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Internet Court of Lies Case

Internet Court of Lies is dedicated to improving Crowdsourcing of Disinformation, Misinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and other Lie Reporting. Online users can request an online jury trial with the proposed lie and the evidence to support this decision.


  • 1. Filing a case with suggested verdict and evidence
  • 2. Assigning judge and jurors,
  • 3. Chat moderated by judge
  • 4. Submitting verdicts
  • 5. Verdict settled by judge

To make scalability possible this process is automated in a workflow. This provides a process with almost no need for processing by employees.


We chose Wikibase because our selected online environment was Wikimedia and Wikibase clearly had the expertise in this environment and the capability of implementing the Internet Court of Lies.


Internet Court of Lies is a cloud platform to defeat online lies through judge trials. Designed to be used by an online community that wants to know the truth as viewed by others. It needs to be easy to use and safe to use for people that want to be anonymous to make sure the lies get judged and not the persons telling them.

The starting point was the use of our basic modules from the Course Administration Plus system. Supported by a period of weekly video calling, we have come up with smart customization that fits seamlessly Ascend's working method.


We have made a system that allows online users to gather information about any lie they found online and upload the information that comes with it. With this information, a court case is started. Therefore there will be several jurors and a judge selected that will be able to make their verdict on the case. With these verdicts, the judge decides the consensus verdict for the accused lie.

The cases that are settled are stored by the system so that further analysis is possible if needed. The cases that are saved are 100% anonymous to make sure only the lies get judged and not the people telling them.

Wordt ISO 27001 gecertificeerd

Het ISO 27001 certificaat helpt ons en onze klanten informatiebeveiligingsrisico's te verkleinen en incidenten te voorkomen. Hierdoor beschermen wij de reputatie van ons bedrijf. Met het ISO 27001 certificaat voldoen we aan wet- en regelgeving rondom informatiebeveiliging. Het is dé manier om aan te tonen dat wij een goed managementsysteem voor informatiebeveiliging hebben. Wij hebben bewust voor de vernieuwde versie ISO 27001:2022 gekozen die de oude ISO 27001:2013 norm vervangt. Het ISMS (Information Security Management System) dat wij bij informatiebeveiliging gebruiken, is door ons zelf gebouwd en tevens beschikbaar voor andere organisaties.

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